Membrii fondatori

Advanced Practical Webinar on Documentary Credits and INCOTERMS 2020

DATĂ SUSȚINERE CURS: 28 noiembrie, 2024


  • Main changes in INCOTERMS 2020
  • Documentary Credit practice
  • Main problems and mistakes in import documentary credits
  • Examples of wrong or problematic instructions in Applications to issue L/C
  • Relationship between Incoterms, documents and documentary credits
  • Main problems and mistakes export documentary credits
  • Examples of wrong or problematic conditions in export documentary credits
  • Examination of bills of lading – main problems in practice
  • Interesting disputes regarding examination of documents presented under documentary credits – is it a valid discrepancy?
  • Questions and Answers Session


Banking staff in trade finance departments; legal, SME and corporate account managers. The seminar is also useful for staff in companies working in the operational departments of export, import, sales, marketing, financial-accounting, legal, as well as transport and logistics companies, insurers, customs declarants, etc.


Mr. Pavel Andrle

  • international trade finance advisor, consultant and trainer, founder & owner & director of Trade Finance Consulting, s.r.o., former trade finance banker;
  • Secretary to the Banking Commission of ICC Czech Republic and also to Commission on Commercial Law and Practice of ICC Czech Republic;
  • frequent DOCDEX Expert of ICC Centre for Expertise with ICC International Arbitration Court;
  • certified ICC trainer on Incoterms 2020;
  • frequent writter of articles in leading trade finance magazines;
  • author of the best-selling practical publications on “Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits” and “Documentary Credits in Practice”. The publications explain very complex rules and practices related to examination of documents presented under documentary credits and other documentary credit operations in practical fashion.


November 28, 2024, from 9:00 to 16:00

The course will be delivered ONLINE on the ZOOM platform.

Language of delivery: English.

At the end of the course, participants will receive a certificate, issued by RBI (under the aegis of the founding members: NBR and RAB), with 6 continuous professional development credits (CPDs).

For further information and enrollment, please contact:

Mihaela RADU, Training Specialist,; Tel: 0748 886 807